Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) are the momentum builders
Chief Marketing Officers (CMO’s) are the momentum builders. They create brand awareness, cultivate customer loyalty, position, and drive demand. They understand that it’s critical to triple down on whatever strategy is working within a customer segment.
However, one must figure out what their brand is first and then solidify it via testing what their audience believes it to be. Email campaigns are a useful way for CMO’s to figure out who their brand suits best. They also understand that a brand is not “what they say it is, but “what others say it is.” The fastest way to figure out the vibe or attraction of a brand is by using the same email campaign on different age groups and then using different campaigns for the same age group. A CMO knows that they need to figure out a company’s image and vibe ASAP. Enter Sendbat, an online email campaign service offered on For the first time Sendbat users, be it a CMO or not, one can create an email campaign to send out to thousands or millions of contacts. CMO’s will find Sendbat especially useful to gauge audience interest since it tracks open & click rates.
If you work in marketing just know that Sendbat should be integral to your brand strategy. On a side note, once a brand has been created and is operating successfully, then CMO’s should also concern themselves with what reviews are being posted about the business. Enter irevu, another online service offered on that makes it easy for customers to leave a review in just 2 clicks. Reviews help underline the brands’ existence, and if a negative review is posted, irevu routes it directly to the marketing team/CMO so they can, and should, respond timely and appropriately.
A business needs to know its brand and customer audience! A business needs to know how to acquire new customers and Sendbat is a great starting point. Understand that marketing is the single most important part of a business, yes you can have quality products or services, but, I don’t know if you noticed, the vast majority of people do not purchase quality products or services, it’s the marketing that gets in their head to force the purchase. Upon opening your business consider irevu to accrue lots of reviews and manage both happy and disgruntled customers.
Start building that brand and try Sendbat today at
Users can expect an average of at least a 15% open email rate, that’s something your sales team cannot afford to miss!
For any further questions feel free to contact: or call (224)279–1076